Juz some pics we took when we were bored with the frames in my phone. Enjoy!! =]
And last, but DEFINITELY not least....
Model of the year 2010!!!!Haha... =]
Juz some pics we took when we were bored with the frames in my phone. Enjoy!! =]
Posted by Lyanne at 7:35 PM 0 comments
Sry for all the inconvenice, but please read all the older posts as I've posted a whole lot at once. My sis didn't let me use the computer EVER, so this is one of the only chances. I may not blog for a long time more. So...... Cheers!!=)
Posted by Lyanne at 6:57 AM 0 comments
Went to school as normal. Rehearsal for graduation concert today. Recess time, Wei Sean & Yeong Sheng keep ajaking me, Claudia and Shi Hui to play Survivor with them. When Claudia was chasing Brian, she tripped and fell. Badly. Zheng Chee and me took Clau to apply medicine when we heard announcements for the rehearsal. Wobbled Clau to the hall and got through without forcing Clau too much. Went to hse after school, and her mom said that the injury was pretty bad. Made her put the ice pack on for a long while before applying the "yellow solution". When I left, she had a slight fever and the injury was swelling. Things were NOT looking good for Clau.
Clau didn't go to school and missed another rehearsal. All very worried whether she can dance with us this Saturday. Stayed back after school for a last-time-practice. Went to Sri Melor for lunch and it was raining. Naturally, we were SOAKED. XD Bought watermelon lollies and ran back to school for practice.
Full dress rehearsal. Clau still not coming to school. All SUPER-WORRIED. Went back to class and hung around most of the time. Teacher gave out tickets for the graduation concert and we noticed that Shi Hui, Brian, Xiong Jie, Yeong Sheng, Kimberly, Zi Shan and You Qun weren't in class. Big gang, huh? Yee Ling took their tickets and we sneaked off to the hall to find them chit-chatting with 6G dancers. We sat around with them and suddenly, electricity went out. Poof... We all went back to class really bored. Stayed back again for no apparent reason, but the whole time I felt as thought I was invisible, a shadow, that I had suddenly ceased to exist, because everyone was ignoring me. Oh, thank you. Then, Yeong Sheng and his girl gang started dancing Rojak Remix consisting of Boom Boom Pow, Poker Face, Thriller, Kung Fu Fighting, Sorry Sorry, H1N1 Song (haha), Gee, AJL Opening and alot more crap.
Tomorrow's the big day and... CLAUDIA CAME!!! Yay!!! She says she can't bend her leg so we have to bend the routine. Came back at 1 today and had piano lessons. *Yawn*. After that, my sis STILL isn't letting me use the computer, so I amused myself by reading some old Fear Street books. Time really flies fast. Soon, it was 5 something and I watched TV. Showered, had dinner, then my sis broke the news. She's going to church!!! Yay!!! Computer is mine for the night, I thought, and that's y I recaped everything in one nite.
*Yawn*...I'm finally done!!! Yipee!!=)
Posted by Lyanne at 6:37 AM 0 comments
Woke up at Shi Hui's hse and had bread with banana and scrambled eggs for breakfast. The threesome went to the park and messed around for awhile, then Shi Yi came to call us back to go to Taipan. (Yikes!) First, we messed around in Watson. Then Guardian. Then a pet shop. Then a CD shop. Then Blueberry Boutique. Had mango, yogurt, tiramisu & cookies n cream flavoured gelato before continuing on. We went to the party shop, bought face paint & hair mascara. Hung around quite awhile then moved on. The Little.Black.Book. Then an unknown shop. ANOTHER unknown shop. Rushed back to the Little.Black.Book bcuz we accidentally left the party shop stuff. Lastly, we went to meet Shi Yi and her fren, went back to Shi Hui's hse to fetch her dad out for lunch. Went to Ah Koong for noodles for lunch. Yum!! Finally, went back to Shi Hui's hse, read some books awhile, then my dad came. Went to church for worship practice until 6 o'clock then came home.
Posted by Lyanne at 6:26 AM 0 comments
English story telling competition. Got to school early, and went to see Mdm. Chin. Chong En, Zheng Chee, Allan, Brian and who knows who else helped to get chairs and tables into the hall. 4 sets of chairs-tables for 3 judges and an unsuspectable-SHI HUI!!! Yes, she was elected time keeper, and she gets to sit in the same row as the judges. Whereas I was hidden behind curtains, and a really annoying Chong En was wrapping himself up in curtains every 3 seconds. Yes, I was elected MC and Chong En "mike boy" .XD
Deepavali holidays so no school!!! Went to Sunway Pyramid with Wei Sean, Xiong Jie, Claudia, Sophiya and Yee Ling. First, the normal routine. SKATING. As usual. It wasn't considered a school holiday bcuz not all schools had the privilege like us. Wakakakaka. Naturally, it only costed 13 ringgit, but poor me had to buy gloves for Xiong Jie, Yee Ling and Claudia (there's 3 pairs) so naturally, I hadn't much money left. We skated until 12.00, and went to the mini arcade by the rink. Virtual basketball and the Love Game was a must for the boys, while the rest of us were busy trying to get candy. =p At 12.15, we ran, sprinted, leaped and jumped to Subway to get our burgers and take-away for silent eating in the cinema. Shh!! =p After watching G-Force, (Yes, this is the 2nd time I'm watching....) we went bowling. And, naturally, since its my 2nd time, I... lost. Badly. It was like 000 for the first three scores. In the end, Yee Ling won with the score of.... I think 54... After that,little miss GayboyX3000 wanted to go to MINITOONS for candy. FINE! We'll go to Minitoons.... We bought bags of candy and walked munching to Asian Avenue. There, we had bubble tea which NO ONE wanted to share with me. Yes, I repeat NO ONE. Yee Ling had Cappuccino (or Mocha, or SOMETHING or another...) and Claudia had Chocolate... Are you purposely TRYING to annoy me? I told you I didn't like chocolaty stuff.. =( Walked around abit more then went home. Naturally, the boys were pressuring me to let them play Gamecube. Ah, what the heck. They stayed till 7 something then FINALLY left me in peace and quiet. *Sigh*.
Had to wear a DRESS to my mom's mom's sister's son's wedding. In short, it's my mom's cousin's wedding. Was pretty okay, food was nice and all... An average chinese wedding dinner, with the exception of the groom's younger brother (my mom's other cousin) dancing popping & locking. He's preeeetty good....
We'll skip to the following week's Friday. =)
Went to Shi Hui's hse at night for a sleepover. My dad was coming back really late bcuz of jams so my granfather sent me there instead. By the time I got there, it was already past 7.30. We had our dinner of cold soba & potato salad when Shi Hui kept acting like a lunch lady, plopping food onto our plates. After dinner, we went up to Shi Hui's room and played card games, like speed and uno. Then, Shi Hui dared me to drape a green fabric over myself, go downstairs, run round the coffee table 3 times and point at Shi Hui's sis & mom saying "I'm the Phantom of the Opera." And guess what. I really did it. XD Wakakakaka.... After a couple more boring dares, we decided to do a remake of "Rant on Asian Dramas" ( to view the vid, visit www.nothingiseverperfect.blogspot.com, which is Claudia's blog. XD)
We wanted to do a remake of Titanic but we were all so tired ( it was past 1 am) that we plopped down in Shi Hui's room. We were without-light-chatting but I fell asleep halfway through the talking XD. Claudia and Shi Hui poked me, sexybacked me and did everything the thought of to wake me up, but alas, when the girl's asleep, that's how she stays. ASLEEP. Ironic...XD
Posted by Lyanne at 5:22 AM 0 comments
Haven't been able to use the comp for the past.... I dunno how many days cuz of my sister!!! She states that theres 33 days between UPSR & PMR so she should get to use the computer whenever she wants 33 days after the PMR. So don't blame me if life gets boring when you don't get to read my blog!! XD Jk...
Posted by Lyanne at 5:20 AM 0 comments
Stayed back in school today for practice. Went to Sri Melor for lunch. Nothing much to post about though.... Except that our W.W.F act was eliminated. As expected. We were purposely TRYING to act badly.....
Doom day.... Teachers wanted to do the final selection for the Graduation Day dance.... We were preeetty good if I say so myself... After performing, a few of us were called to go and play games. Play games. Yes, PLAY GAMES!!! There was this multi-racial cultural traditional games thing going on, and the teachers needed proof that we did have those activities. The results of the Graduation Dance would be reported the next day. The music teacher wanted to see me, and she asked me for the Karoke version of the song I was going to sing and that's when she dropped the bombshell. "Oh, and tomorrow's the competition." WTF???? Can you not be oh-so-casual? I'm suppose to find a song in ONE night, download it, and burn it into a VCD/DVD-no-CD'S??????!!!!! 3 words. Oh my gosh. After school, I stayed back and lepaked around. Xiong Jie and Brian got caught for playing basketball. Oh shucks. That night, I stressed myself out by going to site after site after site trying to look for the karaoke. Finally, I submitted defeat and went to sleep half-dead.
I went to find the music teacher and told her I was dropping out of the singing competition. Instead, she told me to change to a song she already taught us in class, because she had the VCD of that song with her. Fine, I thought, just get over it. So I had 30 minutes of preparation, and the singing competition was on. There were only 15 contestants this year, so they only gave out 10 prizes, 5 consolation and 5 places like 1st,2nd, 3rd, etc. When it was my turn, applause came not little. I had alot of confidence, but suddenly I fumbled. I thought the song was suppose to end, not repeat the chorus!! I stopped for 2 seconds, cursing myself over the mistake and continuing instead. At the end, the judges were actually SMILING!! When I got off the stage, I felt like crying cuz I had embarrassed myself in front of the whole std.6!!!! Shi Hui reassured me, but I wasn't so certain. In the end, I got 3rd. 3rd!!!!! Yay!! Now, I can finally prop up the laptop and chillAXXX!!!!!
Posted by Lyanne at 12:20 AM 0 comments
"Huh??? What time? Who? What?" was my response when my maid woke me up. What? It was 8.30 in the morning... =] Zheng Chee was already here and I wasn't even out of bed. We were having a dance practice at my house but it was frigg'n 8.30 in the morning for goodness sake!!!
We tried starting practice but my arms and legs were itching so badly!! It was that kind of sharp, painful itch and I was putting aloe vera all over. That helped a little cuz it was cool from the fridge and everything but it helped only a bit. Soon everyone was here but I still had my itchy tingles so I went for a shower. After that, it was lunch time and Xiong Jie/Brian/Claudia/Sophiya didn't want come down, cuz they were too busy stuck to the computer. So, the not-so-smart me went and pulled out the cable connecting to the laptop. Guess what they did? POWER SAVE!!!!!! Oh geez... Finally they came down and we had already finished lunch, so we went outside on the porch to practice. But Xiong Jie and Brian were like emo-ing and the rest of us had no idea what was going on with them. Finally when everyone had the mood, Xiong Jie started teaching Brian stunts like Baby Freeze and Turtle Freeze and stuff, while the others ran in circles around them. I was standing in the circle, watching the two guys and every round someone ran, they pulled my hair once. Soon, the hairband came out and Zheng Chee flicked it like a rubber band outside the main auto gate. Oh geez... I opened the gate for Kimberly to help me take, and when Kim was back inside, I closed it again. But then I heard someone shout, and when I looked out, now-not-so-clever Xiong Jie was stuck in between the auto gate and the door. His foot was stuck there and the auto gate couldn't close or open unless his leg got out. So he had to climb and climb the quite tall auto gate until he freed himself. What a busy day... After rounds and rounds of practice, Brian and You Qun started playing their own "Naruto Shippuden Battle" (I know. Lame right?) with Jutsus from Naruto Shippuden. Me and Clau video taped their "battle" but Brian went and delete it. I wanted to post it, darn it!!!
Posted by Lyanne at 10:47 PM 0 comments
Went for 2nd drama practice after school. Practically no one was in the mood to
practice. Brian was so moody and completely not paying attention to the drama.
Finally, I gave up and shouted at Brian, asking him what I could do to finally satisfy
him. He said " You persuade teacher to let us do a dance instead of 1 Malaysia, then
I'll do the rest." "Okay. I'll call her now," I challenged him. I went out with Zheng
Chee and I lent him my phone to call teacher. No answer, so we wanted to text her,
but Zheng Chee said it was sort of chicken to text, like we were afraid to face her.
So we decided to tell teacher the following day. We chose our songs and started
choreographing that day.
We faced teacher early in the morning, me, Zheng Chee and Sophiya. It was
surprisingly easy. She didn't seem disappointed, just concerned. We were practically
jumping for joy. In class, however, she changed her mind. She told us to practice
more and change characters, then it would be alright. Imagine how disappointed we
were. Later, in the hall, she changed her mind once again. She said it would be
possible, only if we practiced well. After school, we went over to Sri Melor for
lunch. Only the girls were going to practice in school that day. The rest of the boys
went to Brian's house for choreographing and practice. We had no space to practicei
in school, so we ended up going down to the tiny space in front of the door to some
who-knows-what room. We used Poker Face by Lady Gaga and Everytime We Touch
by Cascada. Credits- Choreography-Lyanne
-The Fabulous, Amazing, Astounding, and Wonderful Ng Shi Hui. (Are you happy now?
Stop messing up my cbox!!)
The girls came to my house to practice. We learnt Shi Hui's final choreography for
the ending of Poker Face and we did an overall practice. Watched Hellboy in the
morning, had pizza in the afternoon and played Gamecube in the evening. lolz... =]
Went to church and Brian called me and texted non-stop cuz he already wanted to
go to my house even if service wasn't over yet. When I got back, Xiong Jie and Brian
were already there...Soon, everyone was there except Wei Sean, Zi Shan, Zheng Chee and Shi Hui. Zi Shan had already called me to tell me that he couldn't come.
Whereas Wei Sean and Shi Hui weren't answering their phones. Zheng Chee told me
that he could only come at 3. We started practicing outside on the porch. Then,
Zheng Chee and Shi Hui came. We managed to have a pretty "okay" practice if I say
so myself... =]
BIG day arrived.... Time for auditions with the teachers.... Went to school early in
the morning to find the guys already practicing... (The nerves must be getting at
them...) Soon, we were whisked off to our school's big-but-not-so-huge
multipurpose hall. We were about the 2nd last class to perform. When it was our
turn, I handed over the CD and prayed that there were no problems. Keep wishing!
The first time the boys started dancing, suddenly Brian said that it was the wrong
song. I was like- WTH??? So the teacher was kind enough to replay the song. The
second time, it really WAS the wrong song. She was suppose to play the Smooth
Criminal/ Thriller remix, but instead she played Smooth Criminal/Billy Jean remix.
*Sigh...* The teacher in charge told us to get off stage and try again on Wednesday.
Thank goodness, the actual selection was on Wed....
Stayed back after school for dance practice. My music player's speakers were "a
little" faulty, so we could hardly hear the music even though we were outside the
main doors of the hall. Later, the teacher in charge was smart enough to open the
doors. Thanks alot!! The music inside the hall itself was blaring so loudly that I
couldn't even hear the player's music even though my ear was against it!! (Don't
blame the ear infection, it has absolutely nothing to do with this!!!) You think things
couldn't get any worse? Well guess what. They did. We were drinking ice-lemon-tea
outside the hall and Zheng Chee accidentally knocked into Inez who was holding a
packet. The ice-lemon-tea spilled all over the floor and Inez went to the art room to
get cloths. But too late, the teacher came out and saw the mess. BUSTED.... Oh
crap, she said she was going to tell our form teacher. Everyone was like emo-ing and
Zi Shan brought a mop for me and Inez to mop the ice-lemon-tea up. We even
mopped the whole floor outside of the hall, just to show our "apologies" to the
teacher. But unfortunately, the teacher had already gone, and she didn't see the
results of our cleaning work. Everyone in the group was so upset, and emo, and
negative about everything, I nearly wanted to fling myself off the 4th floor.
So worried about whether we would be allowed to go on stage after yesterday's
incident. Fortunately, either the teacher forgot, or she was kind enough to excuse
our careless mistake. In short, we got to perform. And guess what? We got chosen!!!
Yipeee!!!!!! There were a few technical difficulties though.... First, the school's
music player/ boom box (whatever) wasn't working, so the teacher had to borrow
6G's music player and hold a mike to it. Unfortunately, the teacher pressed pause at
the end of the boys' song and forgot about us girls. Oh crap... Luckily ,the school's
music player/ boom box ( I seriously don't care) was working again, so we managed
to perform the full song without anymore problems. Other classes weren't so lucky
though... 6G's music just stopped in the middle of nowhere and the had to continue
dancing WITHOUT music. Oh bummer... Pity them .... After that, there were many
other problems but I'm not gonna list them out. Weee!!! =]
Nothing much today... I think..... Oh okay.. Today no practice in school cuz the
teachers were having some sort of meeting that day. That's about it!! Oh... yeah
one more thing... Claudia came over to my house after school bcuz she didn't have
transport back home. We were playing maple so much, we practically went
Nothing much today again. Stayed back in school as usual for practice. Me love Sri
Melor and syrup!!! That night, went to my aunt's house to sleep over.
Woke up trying to figure out where I was. Oh. My aunt's house... Shucks, time to
make mango pudding!!! Clau called me at 8.30 asking whether she could come when
I told her to come at 9. When she called me, she was already on her way there.
Poof. I couldn't say no, could I? Soon, Chong En was there. Peeled mangoes, then
sliced, then pureed. Not enough mango so my aunt went out to buy some more. We
carried on peeling, slicing and pureeing. Chong En sliced his finger instead of the
mango. Oh wow. Very smart, Chong En. When my aunt was back, more peeling,
slicing and pureeing. When all the mangoes where finally done and pureed, we
started with the stirring and mixing. Gelatin, sugar, warm water and ice cubes. Mix
in the mango and voila! A bowl of mango sludge is ready. Arranging nata de cocos
inside the containers, pour in the sludge and voila! What do you get? 25 plastic
containers full of mango-flavoured-nata-de-coco-filled-baby-mash. At 12 o'clock,
Chong En went back. My dad picked me and Clau from my aunt's house and we went
home. Had Mc'd for lunch then watched Amazing Race. (How careless to lose travel
documents..) After Amazing Race, we watched nigahiga vids and played maple until
Clau went home. Mango pudding is still not solidifying so in the freezer it goes.
Woke up and checked the mango pudding. Still baby mash, some ice. Who cares.
Brought the ice-box to school, was REALLY REALLY early. Hardly anyone was in
school yet. *Yawn* Soon Family Day started. Everything was a hustle and bustle at
our stall. My shift was the first shift so we had the privilege of getting to do the "
Stall Opening". Brian was standing a chair, ringing a bell and shouting for buyers;
Chong En was busying himself with the Rootbeer Floats; Yee Ling was collecting
money whereas I.... I was... Umm... Just helping out everywhere.. =] Soon it was
9.30 and we were suppose to perform. Unfortunately, it was rainning and we
couldn't perform. We thought it was canceled so we went along our own ways.
About 11 o'clock, the teacher in charge announced our names and told us to get
ready for our performance. We were so shocked and everyone was trying to round
up all the group members. In the end, we managed to conjure up a fairly
appreciatable dance. Weee!!!
I'm really lazy to continue typing right now, so I'll continue "recaping" on the next
blog. Regards!!!!!
Posted by Lyanne at 12:26 AM 0 comments
Hey guys, what's up?? Haven't been blogging lately cuz of all the activities and stuff that's going on... I'll give a bigger recap later when I'm more free, but here's the general idea.
Firstly, our gang of hippy,happy-go-luckies( me excluded; I'm the joy-killer, weee!! =) ) had to busy ourselves with the dance for the graduation performance. I'm currently trying to make a power-point slide about our preparations. When I'm done, I'll post the link to youtube here. =)
Secondly, I've gotta figure out how the hell I'm suppose to make 25 small-but-nice mango puddings for the Family Day this Sunday. Argh!!! =.=''
Thirdly, I haven't started on my K.J project yet, darn it!!! And I'm suppose to do it on my OWN!!!
Fourthly, I have a singing competition soon, and I haven't found a suitable song dammit!!!
And lastly, I have a 3 on 3 basketball competition coming up with Jessie & Poi Por, but I have completely no time to practice whatsoever!!!
Posted by Lyanne at 2:52 AM 0 comments