Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Posted by Lyanne at 6:05 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Lazed around all day with nothing to do, using the computer, trying to look for the stupid karaoke version of the song xie lao shi wants for the singing competition. At night, went for house warming at my.... grandmother's ( father's mother) sister's daughter's house. In short, it's my father's cousin's house. Anyways, it was sort of interesting people-watching there.The house itself was nice, built on a hill and two-and-a-half storeyed. Nice dinner of nasi lemak then sat around watching and listening to the adults chatting.
Went to Nirvana Memorial Park for my great-grandma's house-warming in the morning. Went into the dragon for "sight-seeing". ( The place is fully air-conditioned which definately costs a bomb.) After the rituals, went to Bangsa shopping mall for lunch at "The Ming Room". The food there was quite nice, but there was sooo much. There was cheese & rice, fish maw soup, cod with long beans, peking duck, duck meat, duck meat in lettuce, and not to mention the " xiu yock" ( roast pork) that we brought to the restaurant and the Dim Sum we ordered before the actual, pre-ordered packaged lunch. ( What? We were hungry....) And the desserts were Ma Lai Gou, a whole platter of fruits ( Honeydew, Watermelon and Mango) and aloe vera tong sui. I think I ate too much bcuz after that, I had a severe stomach ache. At Bangsa, I bought 4 new books at Times Bookstore. ( Drowned Wednesday, Sir Thursday, Lady Friday and Superior Saturday.) That night, we went to Sunway Pyramid to have dinner at the hakka restaurant- Ying Ker Lou. After that, I went to MPH and bought another 3 books. ( Dark River, Outcast and Eclipse of the Warriors: Power Of Three series.)
Went with my aunt to Cold Storage in the morning to buy ingredients for the pizza-making. After we were done, went to my aunt's house to start in the cutting and the chopping. Had to cut pineapples, mushrooms, cucumbers, capsicums, bacon, ham, onions, garlic, and alot more.
Finally, when all the cutting was done, we made the spaghetti sauce, the meatballs, the pizzas and everything else. In the end, we had garlic bread with mushroom and garlic; salad with salad leaves, walnuts, onion, cucumbers, raisins, capsicums and croutons; spaghetti with meatballs, and pizzas; one with bacon, capsicums, mushrooms and onions; the other with ham, pineapples, mushrooms and onions. Though it sounds so appetizing, it was chaos making it.
Woke up to hear my sis complaining that she threw up. Blames it on me for food poisoning. Booked 2 tickets to G-Force 3D to watch with my mom. Went to Sunway Pyramid, had lunch at Subway then went to the cinema. In the cinema, there were so many kids there, and boy, were they noisy... Saw a trailer of Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief. Yay!!! There's going to be a movie of my fave book!!!! G-Force was cute and hilarious. So fun!!!
Posted by Lyanne at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Sunway Pyramid trip-it was sooo fun!!!!
Recap- This morning, went to school, everyone was hanging around being so free. Then, the headmaster passed by and told us to arrange our tables back. It was a hustle and bustle cuz there were some tables in 6b that were ours, and all their chairs were ours. When we got all our chairs and tables that had the sticker " 6a" on them, there were still some missing. I didn't bother and just head off to the library for English Written Competition training. Man, was it boring. I stayed in there from 7:15 am to 9:30 am, had a 10 minute break and then went back in until 12.00. Finally, the bell rang and the six of us ( Xiong Jie, Wei Sean, Brian, Shi Hui, Sophiya and myself) head off to find my grandfather.
We went back to my house first, we changed and waited for my grandfather to come back from fetching my sis. Waiting, waiting, waiting. *Sigh* What's taking so long? The boys took my basketball and started playing monkey in the driveway while I tried to call my grandfather. No connection. Shucks. 2 minutes later I tried again. Yay! I got through. He said that my sis had a CF meeting and had to be late. Damn her. Finally, at 2.15, she finally got back. We hopped into the car and finally, we were zooming on our way to Pyramid.
First, we went to A&W's for lunch. Xiong Jie and my lunch came slower than the others, and Xiong Jie's a big eater, so obviously, everyone was rushing me to finish my lunch. Wei Sean and Brian were still munching on their fries ( Wei Sean looked so disgusted) so I took my time. Finally, I finished my rootbeer and we were on our way to the skating rink. 5 of us went in ( Brian didn't wanna go) and got our skates. We had so much fun skating and we skated for 2 hours while a really bored Brian took photos of us skating and playing games. When we finally came out, we started snacking on the Irish Potatoes that Brian bought and the boys started playing virtual basketball. Then, Wei Sean and Brian played the "Love Game" and their relationship level was 79% percent. ( Haha, guys!)
Then, we went lepaking. That's when I bought my sister's RM48.50 present for her friend. I nearly wanted to scream at the salesgirl when she showed me the price on the calculator but instead I said "terima kasih, kak." and handed her a 50 ringgit note. Then we walked on and saw a yogurt shop called Yogurberry. We stopped in there to take a look and we realized that it was too expensive and the girls walked out first. Then we motioned to the boys to come out quickly and take my bag along with them. ( I left it behind.) Then, I saw the Blue Atrium and told Shi Hui I had something to buy at Sasha, which is at Asian Avenue, which is in the Blue Atrium. I didn't want to let the boys see what I was buying, so we quickly ran up to Sasha ( 4 floors up is tiring) and snuck into the shop. The boys ran past Sasha into Asian Avenue and we started looking at the bracelet I wanted. After paying for it, we went after the boys.
That's when the wild chase began. Shi Hui called my phone ( which was with Brian. ) and he answered. Then we spotted them further inside Asian Avenue and Shi Hui shut the phone. We started chasing after the boys all through Asian Avenue while getting dirty looks from the shopkeepers. I was chasing Wei Sean and I lost him when we went through a restaurant. Then I started looking for Shi Hui when I found her beside Xiong Jie who was lying on the floor next to the lift. I got my bag back and started we started walking around. Eventually, we found Brian and Wei Sean and we continued walking. When we reached the end of Asian Avenue, Brian and Xiong Jie wanted to play "Dance Dance Revolution" and they changed tokens in the token machine. They played for one round and the second round, Brian suggested that each of us stand on one panel and four of us played on one board. It was so much fun and everyone that passed by were staring at us.
Finally, we walked on and I called my dad to come pick us up. He told me he was in Sunway Pyramid and he was in Asian Avenue. He said that we could walk around until 6.45 then meet him at Nike. When I told Shi Hui that my dad was in Asian Avenue, we stared at each other in horror cuz we just got out of there. We quickly hurried away from Asian Avenue and continued walking on. We stopped by a stall and bought refreshments. Xiong Jie and Wei Sean bought waffles while Brian and I bought Revives. There, Xiong Jie and Wei Sean raided my bag and found the plastic bag from Sasha. They opened it and.............. Okay, fine. They didn't laugh. In fact they said : "Okay, what. Quite nice mah..." And then we headed on to Nike, and we all went home. The whole day was such a nice trip... Pics below!
Xiong Jie lying on my bed.
Lunch at A&W.
Me and Sophiya at A&W's. ( I loved my rootbeer float)
Shi Hui indulging in her Cornie Dog.
They look so disgusted with their food...
Brian eating like he's hasn't eaten anything in years.
Slurp, slurp.
Gulp, gulp.
And viola!
Queuing up to buy tickets for skating.
The money-sorting.
Wei Sean and Xiong Jie, Shi Hui in the background.
Sean & Xiong.
Xiong Jie.
Shi Hui, lost in the midst of the crowds.
Lone-skater in the middle of nothingness. XD
Wei Sean, err... Staring at his feet?
The whole gang of us discussing what to do.
Me trying to teach Sophiya how to skate.
Stick person, Lyanne, skating in the middle of nowhere.
Look left, then right, huh?
Shi Hui & Sophiya. Say Cheese!
Group pic.
Group pic no.2. lol
"Ladies first" lol.
Sean and his "Virtual Basketball"
Brian & Sean playing "The Love Game"
Sean trying to hug Brian after the relationship score 79% came out.
Xiong enjoying his strawberry-on-a-stick.
Posted by Lyanne at 8:00 PM 0 comments
Had an amazing time today at Sunway Pyramid, though I'll write that in another post. This post is to recap what happened on the last day of UPSR.
*Back to the past* First thought ( I always love first thoughts) : Yay!! Last day of UPSR!!! Got to school, no one was really studying. Everyone was chatting and having fun, Yee Ling and me both brought our Ipods... (Yay!!) While they were humming up the tunes, who but Tang Fu Xiao Zhang passed by. Yee Ling and Kim were sitting on tables and listening to Ipods. However, Tang Fu Xiao Zhang stopped by, glanced inside and said : " This class very polite and gentle right?" and just walked away. We were all like- WOW!! What was THAT??
After we finally informed Kim and Yee Ling about the incident ( they had no clue, they were too busy listening on the Ipods), they quickly stowed the Ipods into their pockets because our Science teacher had just walked into the class. She explained the basic stuff that we needed to be alert of and then we were off to the examination halls. Kimberly shoved my Ipod back into my pocket while queing up. The Science questions were quite alright and not too difficult. I had about 20 minutes of extra time after I had finished.
During the recess break, I took my Ipod out for a listen. I put my headphones in my ears, and without pressing anything, the music was already blaring. I was confused for a moment or two before dropping my jaw 2 metres. At that moment, I really wanted to kill Kimberly there and then! Guess what actually happened. When she gave my Ipod back to me, she didn't turn the Ipod off. In fact, she didn't even pause the thing! It had been playing time after time after time in my pocket through the Science exam.
Soon, it was time for our English exams. Easy, peasy, lemon, squeasy. That's all I'm going to say, and that's already enough to describe the standard of the exam. After that, we had the impression that we were already quite free. However, there was still an Aptitude Test to face and we had just found out that it was written in the UPSR slip. Oh, awesome! We're taking a test that's SOOOOO important without even knowing what the title even MEANS! In the end, the Aptitude Test had 3 sections: The first part was I.Q questions, the second was how to solve problems, and the 3rd was questions about your hobby, or your interests and stuff. In fact, the 3rd section was so much like those Facebook personality quizes that I had fun answering that test. However, the test lasted for 1 hour and 30 minutes, so guess who came to visit? "Oh, Sir. Boredom, why do you haunt us so?" So I began finding a list of things to do.
First, I started people watching. Cherng Feng was messing around with his stationary and drawing stuff on his rough paper. Poi Por was doing the same. Xiao Wei was fidgeting around while Zi Shan was staring at his exam paper. Shi Hui tried to sleep a few times while Jun Jiet was just being bored. Jia Ni slept a few times while Jessie was still stuck on some stupid math question and getting really frustrated cuz she couldn't find the right answer. Chun Ee, Sophiya and Wen Jun were just messing with stationary or staring into space. Ying Sheng was focused on his exam paper while Samuel just didn't care. Hui Jie was really focused too while Pei Kang was busy whispering to Allan when teacher looked away. Miss Sweet ( Yi Jing ) and Miss Goody-Two-Shoes ( Yin Ping ) were paying so much attention to the exam paper as thought they could get the answers if they stared long enough. Or maybe bore a hole.
Me? I was going throught my list of " What to do when you're bored"
1. I started to tap my pencil according to the posture of each person. If that person was lying on his/her table, tap my cap flat onto the table ; if that person was sitting up right, tap the edge of the cap onto the table. It was rather fun and I managed to run through it many times for 10 minutes before getting bored.
2. I tried NOT to think of penguins. The more you try NOT to think of penguins, there you are, more penguins appear in your head. Attention span: 2 minutes
3. I tried counting sheep . I know that's for you to go to sleep, but it has completely no effect whatsoever on me. Attention span : 2 minutes
4. Thinking of what to write on this blog. Attention span : 10 minutes.
And well after that, I just gave up and tried to be patient. 10minutes, 5 minutes, 3 minutes, 1 minute, 10 secs, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, aaaaaaaaaaaand, yay!! But we couldn't make a sound yet, not until the teacher in charge had finished collecting our papers. When we got out of class, we waited for the kids in the other class to finish, and we had a grand finale SHOUT! from everyone in 6A. That was so much fun. On my way to the front gate, I saw a to be called sakai, running at top speed, weaving in and out and cutting past everyone out while screaming " Woah!! UPSR is over!!!!" And definately, without a doubt, that was Brian.
After I got home, chilled all day long. Ripped open the plastic of my book " Lightning Master " and started pouring all over it cuz the Internet couldn't be used. More info tmrw about today's Pyramid trip. It was AWEEEESOOOOMEEE and there's gonna be lots of pics!!!!
Posted by Lyanne at 5:41 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Phew! The official nervousness period of UPSR is officially OVER!!!! B.M pemahaman & penulisan, B.C pemahaman & penulisan is gone with the wind!!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow's only Science & English papers left. ( What a breeze.. Haha, just jk) Okay.. Recap on today's papers.
First thing I saw when I got to school- everyone was reading Chinese essays. ( Is it just me, or am just not " going with the trend"?) Obviously, I did NOT start reading Chinese essays either, or read ANYTHING whatsoever. The first paper was Mathematics Paper 1. Easy, peasy, lemon squeasy. (Not really.... Though it seemed quite simple, the paper was a little tricky, and I almost hadn't had enough time to complete it.)
After our 30-minute-long break, we headed back into the examination hall to take the 2nd dreaded paper- Chinese pemahaman. Surprisingly, it wasn't I'm-going-to-suicide-can't-get-7As-please-kill-me kind of hard. Truth be told, It was actually easier than our normal trial exams and past-year-papers.
The last break actually lasted an hour, and we hardly had anything to do at all. Xiong Jie did another prediction of the questions and his predictions were: wan cheng zuo wen, tong gao and qu shi.After the break, we sat for the last paper- Chinese essays. The first part of the paper was quite easy, everyone's confident about that part. The second part had a bit of challenge for me because I had ideas but no idea how to translate it into chinese. The last part was about average and I just felt the " let me just finish this crap and get out of here" kind of feeling. Don't ask me why, but I did. Unfortunately for Xiong Jie, his predictions were all WRONG. The first was...........okay, fine, I forgot. The second was a wan cheng zuo wen and the third was a si han. (Hah! I was right about the si han.)
Most people are already partying and considering the UPSR "over" because tomorrow's only science and english. And I'm not excluded. I'm sitting here, listening to my Ipod Shuffle and happily enjoying life. More news tomorrow about the super-easy subjects- Science & English.
Posted by Lyanne at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 7, 2009
Oh geez....
Woke up today, first thought- UPSR!!!! After getting to school, everyone was just hanging around being nervous. Then, our form teach. came in to check everyone's temperature and give out masks. I was really curious why everyone's temperature was so low, and JJ told me that teach. was checking our temperature under the FAN and she was holding the thermometer 10 cm away from our foreheads. ( Huh??)
First paper, B.M Pemahaman. Oh wow. It was UNBELIEVABLY difficult!!! Even "Sir Ranking #1 in the whole standard Leon" said that it was hard. When the teach. in charge collected our papers, Zi Shan mouthed the words " F***ing hell". Everyone was quite dispirited cuz of the B.M Pemahaman and all "great scholars" were doubting whether they could get 7As. ( Hahah, in your face!) Just jk....After some food and drink, most of us started flipping through books to cram some extra info into that already-stuffed-head, while others were still busy worrying about the past paper. Xiong Jie even tried to calm himself by assuring us that the next paper should be easy, he predicted that there would be 1 cerita, 1 melengkapkan cerita and 1 surat tidak rasmi. ( Keep on dreaming, Panda.)
After the break, we lined up and went back to our respective classrooms for the next dreaded paper, B.M Penulisan. Surprisingly, the Penulisan was UNBELIEVABLY simple!( Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I don't want to fail.) The first karangan was Melengkapkan Cerita, the second was Cerita tentang Hari Sukan and the third was a Surat Tidak Rasmi kepada abang untuk menceritakan tentang persediaan UPSR. Okay, freaky. How the hell could Xiong Jie know? What was he, psychic or something? Geez.... I'm in respect now....
Lastly, we had our Mathematics Paper 2. Everyone was confident with their abilities of mathematics and they became ever-more-so-confident when they saw the paper. Oh. wow. It was E.A.S.Y and everyone thought so. Heck, they were even COMPLAINING that the paper was too easy! You hardly needed to convert anything, and almost everyone was done 20 minutes.
Currently having absoulutely NO confidence whatsoever for tomorrow's Chinese papers. And guess what I'm doing? Right! I'm sitting here blogging, listening to music and just enjoying life. More info about the tests tomorrow or sometime later. Soon. Ciao.
Posted by Lyanne at 11:30 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
*Yawn* There's a month left right? Yeah.... WHAT DO YOU MEAN 7 DAYS????!!!
As the UPSR's getting closer, the panic is FINALLY settling in....
Woke up this morning with a thought in my mind : Oh crap. UPSR is next week. What am I going to do, what am I going to do. I'M DOOMED!!! Settle down, settle down .... I'M DEAD!!! Okay, fine. Maybe I'm not THAT bad.... I'll just.... erm... oh, I know, study 24/7! Okay, maybe that doesn't work either...... I'm still chill'n even though its the last moment of study. I personally really do NOT have the patience to study, study and study.
School was a drag today and everyone's busy being nervous. (Or not) I fell asleep during chinese tuition wondering whether I should go online or watch a movie today. Came home at 4.10 cuz hardly anyone stayed back. Yee Ling and Kim are already making reservations with people for the after-exam party at Sunway Pyramid on Saturday. Unfortunately, I have a basketball game to go to so I can't go.... ( Nervousness settling in)
When I got home, watched a movie, went online and dissed a really stupid blog. The blog that I mean is the one previously, before this blog. People in school were hissing and booing that blog because, well, it sucked. Curtesy of Claudia Chew Kye Wen, the girl that tagged me. A thousand thanks to Ms. Claudia and all associates. More news.... soon.
Posted by Lyanne at 3:08 AM 0 comments