Sunway Pyramid trip-it was sooo fun!!!!
Recap- This morning, went to school, everyone was hanging around being so free. Then, the headmaster passed by and told us to arrange our tables back. It was a hustle and bustle cuz there were some tables in 6b that were ours, and all their chairs were ours. When we got all our chairs and tables that had the sticker " 6a" on them, there were still some missing. I didn't bother and just head off to the library for English Written Competition training. Man, was it boring. I stayed in there from 7:15 am to 9:30 am, had a 10 minute break and then went back in until 12.00. Finally, the bell rang and the six of us ( Xiong Jie, Wei Sean, Brian, Shi Hui, Sophiya and myself) head off to find my grandfather.
We went back to my house first, we changed and waited for my grandfather to come back from fetching my sis. Waiting, waiting, waiting. *Sigh* What's taking so long? The boys took my basketball and started playing monkey in the driveway while I tried to call my grandfather. No connection. Shucks. 2 minutes later I tried again. Yay! I got through. He said that my sis had a CF meeting and had to be late. Damn her. Finally, at 2.15, she finally got back. We hopped into the car and finally, we were zooming on our way to Pyramid.
First, we went to A&W's for lunch. Xiong Jie and my lunch came slower than the others, and Xiong Jie's a big eater, so obviously, everyone was rushing me to finish my lunch. Wei Sean and Brian were still munching on their fries ( Wei Sean looked so disgusted) so I took my time. Finally, I finished my rootbeer and we were on our way to the skating rink. 5 of us went in ( Brian didn't wanna go) and got our skates. We had so much fun skating and we skated for 2 hours while a really bored Brian took photos of us skating and playing games. When we finally came out, we started snacking on the Irish Potatoes that Brian bought and the boys started playing virtual basketball. Then, Wei Sean and Brian played the "Love Game" and their relationship level was 79% percent. ( Haha, guys!)
Then, we went lepaking. That's when I bought my sister's RM48.50 present for her friend. I nearly wanted to scream at the salesgirl when she showed me the price on the calculator but instead I said "terima kasih, kak." and handed her a 50 ringgit note. Then we walked on and saw a yogurt shop called Yogurberry. We stopped in there to take a look and we realized that it was too expensive and the girls walked out first. Then we motioned to the boys to come out quickly and take my bag along with them. ( I left it behind.) Then, I saw the Blue Atrium and told Shi Hui I had something to buy at Sasha, which is at Asian Avenue, which is in the Blue Atrium. I didn't want to let the boys see what I was buying, so we quickly ran up to Sasha ( 4 floors up is tiring) and snuck into the shop. The boys ran past Sasha into Asian Avenue and we started looking at the bracelet I wanted. After paying for it, we went after the boys.
That's when the wild chase began. Shi Hui called my phone ( which was with Brian. ) and he answered. Then we spotted them further inside Asian Avenue and Shi Hui shut the phone. We started chasing after the boys all through Asian Avenue while getting dirty looks from the shopkeepers. I was chasing Wei Sean and I lost him when we went through a restaurant. Then I started looking for Shi Hui when I found her beside Xiong Jie who was lying on the floor next to the lift. I got my bag back and started we started walking around. Eventually, we found Brian and Wei Sean and we continued walking. When we reached the end of Asian Avenue, Brian and Xiong Jie wanted to play "Dance Dance Revolution" and they changed tokens in the token machine. They played for one round and the second round, Brian suggested that each of us stand on one panel and four of us played on one board. It was so much fun and everyone that passed by were staring at us.
Finally, we walked on and I called my dad to come pick us up. He told me he was in Sunway Pyramid and he was in Asian Avenue. He said that we could walk around until 6.45 then meet him at Nike. When I told Shi Hui that my dad was in Asian Avenue, we stared at each other in horror cuz we just got out of there. We quickly hurried away from Asian Avenue and continued walking on. We stopped by a stall and bought refreshments. Xiong Jie and Wei Sean bought waffles while Brian and I bought Revives. There, Xiong Jie and Wei Sean raided my bag and found the plastic bag from Sasha. They opened it and.............. Okay, fine. They didn't laugh. In fact they said : "Okay, what. Quite nice mah..." And then we headed on to Nike, and we all went home. The whole day was such a nice trip... Pics below!
Xiong Jie lying on my bed.
Lunch at A&W.
Me and Sophiya at A&W's. ( I loved my rootbeer float)
Shi Hui indulging in her Cornie Dog.
They look so disgusted with their food...
Brian eating like he's hasn't eaten anything in years.
Slurp, slurp.
Gulp, gulp.
And viola!
Queuing up to buy tickets for skating.
The money-sorting.
Wei Sean and Xiong Jie, Shi Hui in the background.
Sean & Xiong.
Xiong Jie.
Shi Hui, lost in the midst of the crowds.
Lone-skater in the middle of nothingness. XD
Wei Sean, err... Staring at his feet?
The whole gang of us discussing what to do.
Me trying to teach Sophiya how to skate.
Stick person, Lyanne, skating in the middle of nowhere.
Look left, then right, huh?
Shi Hui & Sophiya. Say Cheese!
Group pic.
Group pic no.2. lol
"Ladies first" lol.
Sean and his "Virtual Basketball"
Brian & Sean playing "The Love Game"
Sean trying to hug Brian after the relationship score 79% came out.
Xiong enjoying his strawberry-on-a-stick.
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