Rally is OVER. :(
it was a B.O.M.B.A.S.T.I.C night i tell you!!! (:
FINALLY i'm free to blog.
I won't be long winded with all the "taiwan day1, day 2, day3, blah di blah di blah".
pics will be VERY limited cuz i'm VERY lazy. (:
1.the HOTELS.
they were pretty good, except for day2 and day4. (or was it 3??) day2: INSECTS GALORE. it was like frasers. only worse. but the NATURE concept really worked, we had awesome activities at night like making tang yuan, playing with gasings, making bubbles (^^), feeding ducks(ahhh,duckkyyyyss!!!:D) and other kiddy stuff. there were FIREWORKS too!! :D
they were SO rude, so impolite and SO dirty. people were SPITTING everywhere. Day 4's hotel was the biggest of all, but the worst. SERIOUSLY. ><
i think the hotel i liked best would probably be the 2nd last day(6th night)
It wasn't really like a hotel, but it's a building with shops at the bottom and the hotel only starts at floor3.
But it's REALLY modern, clean, stylish, and most important of all, had FREE WIFI. how cool is that? you can just go and sit down and use the desktop there as long as you like.
other than that, the rest of the hotels were not bad. (:
i think the hotel i liked best would probably be the 2nd last day(6th night)
It wasn't really like a hotel, but it's a building with shops at the bottom and the hotel only starts at floor3.
But it's REALLY modern, clean, stylish, and most important of all, had FREE WIFI. how cool is that? you can just go and sit down and use the desktop there as long as you like.
other than that, the rest of the hotels were not bad. (:
three words. IT. WAS. AWESOME.
i've never enjoyed eating chinese food so much before.
The first night we were taken to a roadside shop which selled noodles in gravy(ah chong mian xian).
the gravy was REALLY thick, and it tasted AWESOME with garlic sauce, vinegar, oyster sauce etc.
ah chong mian xian(:
one of my favourite meals was day....6(i think)
the lunch was steamboat plus bbq. WOW.
the bbq was basically u choosing what you want and getting people to grill it for you. simple as that.
i was in charge of the steamboat, and my, did i love the maggi mee with seafood and sesame seed oil. (:
another meal that i really enjoyed was also xiao long bao(steamed meat dumplings with soup inside)
there are also really delicious mochi in taiwan as well as a biscuit shop which biscuits are REALLY pricey. but they tasted AWESOME. we got pineapple tarts, cheesecake, beef jerkey(OOO, MY BEEF JERKY!!!!!!!!!!!!! (: ) pork crisps and alot more.
one of taiwan's specialties is SMELLY TAO FOO. i hated it. my dad loved it. so i had to suffer. :(
smelly tao foo:(
and do you have ANY IDEA how AWESOME taiwan's cup noodles are?? there are like steamed pork, shrimp and roast beef flavours. DEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS.
squared watermelon. (:
and do you have ANY IDEA how AWESOME taiwan's cup noodles are?? there are like steamed pork, shrimp and roast beef flavours. DEEEEEEEEEELICIOUS.
some REALLY THICK barley that i didn't like. :(
Well, we went to a few temples, watched chinese opera and that's about it. NOT.
some random temple that we visited. xD
we got to visit a rock by the beach that was shaped like Queen Elizabeth's head. yes. HER HEAD.
the supposedly Queen Elizabeth's head.
there was also a factory where we watched them make clogs.
and oh. yeah. THE 101. one of the tallest buildings in the world. which also beat Petronas Twin Towers. :(
my awesomely cute DAMPFR BABY!!! <333>
(notice how it's awesomely cute face says 101.) <3333>
we also got to go to alot of night markets and markets along the streets. there was so much to buy, i think i spent more than 100 RINGGIT on my friends' gifts. =X we also visited the BIGGEST shopping mall in taiwan, called dream mall. (:
we also got to go to alot of night markets and markets along the streets. there was so much to buy, i think i spent more than 100 RINGGIT on my friends' gifts. =X we also visited the BIGGEST shopping mall in taiwan, called dream mall. (:
and we got to experience alot of things concerning the tribes in taiwan, including their traditional dances, and factories which produced their herbal medicines (linchee and royal jelly)
some tribe's traditional dance.
we also got to go on a boat ride in taiwan's "love river" (Ai he) and visit a peacock farm.
Love river <33>
oh yeah. i think the most expensive gift i got for my friend was from a WINERY. yeah, we visited a winery. (:
Well, i think that's about it. oops. i planned it to be short and simple. see how long it is? haizz.. never mind... next post: cf & church camp (:
Well, i think that's about it. oops. i planned it to be short and simple. see how long it is? haizz.. never mind... next post: cf & church camp (:
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