Sunday, May 2, 2010


Okay, well i didn't post about my first pengawas interview altho it was over quite a long time ago.

1st interview
We were called to the BP (Bilik Pengawas) before recess. Some of the top pengawas were sitting in there, including Ru Jin, Qistina, Wei Jie, Merosha, Min Her, Teong Tat, and maybe a few others who i've missed. The 2 teachers who were doing the interviewing were En. Anuar and Datin Hamdah.
While we were sitting in the separate room, the seniors were giving us tips and info. (Well, not really..) The rehat bell rang before us girls got interviewed, so we went in AFTER rehat.
En Anuar asked the questions, and i was sorta nervous with cacated bm.

2nd interview
We were given 1 day's notice before the 2nd interview, which was held in the bilik guru, so each of us had to prepare a short speech for the teachers. Was pretty nervous and made quite alot of mistakes. AHHHH!! ><

Well now I'm on probation and first few days of duty were awkward and hard.
Oh, and i've got the Pen.Setiausaha as my senior. :)