Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Hey guys, what's up?? Haven't been blogging lately cuz of all the activities and stuff that's going on... I'll give a bigger recap later when I'm more free, but here's the general idea.

Firstly, our gang of hippy,happy-go-luckies( me excluded; I'm the joy-killer, weee!! =) ) had to busy ourselves with the dance for the graduation performance. I'm currently trying to make a power-point slide about our preparations. When I'm done, I'll post the link to youtube here. =)

Secondly, I've gotta figure out how the hell I'm suppose to make 25 small-but-nice mango puddings for the Family Day this Sunday. Argh!!! =.=''

Thirdly, I haven't started on my K.J project yet, darn it!!! And I'm suppose to do it on my OWN!!!

Fourthly, I have a singing competition soon, and I haven't found a suitable song dammit!!!

And lastly, I have a 3 on 3 basketball competition coming up with Jessie & Poi Por, but I have completely no time to practice whatsoever!!!